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The Atlanta Research & Education Foundation is designed to facilitate
collaborations between the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical
Center in Atlanta and other institutions. We welcome your interest
in our facility, personnel, and research capabilities.
Working with the larger research community, AREF is one of the leading foundations
in the country devoted to improving research, education, and ultimately healthcare
for our nation's Veteran population.
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Click on an investigator's name below to view his/her profile.
PI |
Primary Research Interest |
Adamson, David |
Neurological Surgery |
Akwe, Joyce |
Internal Medicine |
Alabi, Olamide |
Other |
Alexy, Tamas |
Internal Medicine |
Allam, Joanne Shirine |
Internal Medicine |
Anderson, Blake |
Internal Medicine |
Antun, Ana |
Internal Medicine |
Arbiser, Jack |
Dermatology |
Arya, Shipra |
Surgery (General) |
Astin, Millie |
Psychology |
Bales, Katie |
Biology |
Beck, George |
Biochemistry |
Benton, Steven |
Audiology |
Berglund, Ken |
Other |
Blalock, Travis |
Dermatology |
Boatright, Jeffrey |
Other |
Boden, Scott |
Orthopedic Surgery |
Bonta, Dacian |
Nuclear Medicine |
Bradley, Bekh |
Psychology |
Bremner, James |
Psychiatry |
Brewster, Luke |
Surgery (General) |
Butler, Andrew |
Rehabilitative Medicine |
Cai, Hui |
Internal Medicine |
Cartwright, Emily |
Internal Medicine |
Cassani, Lisa |
Chan, Bonnie |
Pharmacy |
Chandrasekharan, Bindu |
Other |
Chen, Suephy |
Dermatology |
Courtney, Denise |
Pharmacy |
Cribbs, Sushma |
Other |
Crosson, Bruce |
Psychology |
Cui, Xiangqin |
Biostatistics |
Davis, Adam |
DelVentura, Jennifer |
Other |
Doan, Thanh |
Physiology |
Douglas-Adams, Tresselyn |
Family Practice |
Drexler, Karen |
Psychiatry |
Drissi, Moulay Hicham |
Biology |
Duncan, Erica |
Psychiatry |
Echt, Katharina |
Psychology |
Edelman, Scott |
Radiation Oncology |
Evatt, Marian |
Neurology |
Fareed, Ayman |
Psychiatry |
Farino, Vian |
Fas, Norberto |
Internal Medicine |
Feola, Andrew |
Other |
Fibus, Todd |
Radiology |
Fields, Barry |
Internal Medicine |
Filson, Christopher |
Urology |
Fournier, Christina |
Neurology |
Garcia, Paul |
Anesthesiology |
Gaynes, Robert |
Internal Medicine |
Gnanajothy, Rosana |
Oncology |
Goebel, Stephan |
Graham, Martha |
Other |
Green, David |
Internal Medicine |
Griffiths, Patricia |
Other |
Guidot, David |
Internal Medicine |
Hackney, Madeleine |
Other |
Hang, Thuy-Van |
Internal Medicine |
Harris , Nadine |
Internal Medicine |
Harris, Wayne |
Oncology |
Hart, C |
Internal Medicine |
Haw, Jeehea Sonya |
Hecker, Louise |
Other |
Hekman, Katherine |
Other |
Hendrick, Andrew |
Ophthalmology |
Hershatter, Bruce |
Radiation Oncology |
Hoover, Robert |
Internal Medicine |
House, Kim |
Internal Medicine |
Huang, Wei |
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation |
Hutton, William |
Bioengineering |
Illien-Junger, Svenja |
Orthopedic Surgery |
Ioachimescu, Octavian |
Internal Medicine |
Iqbal, Ayesha |
Internal Medicine |
Issa, Muta |
Urology |
Jang, Young |
Orthopedic Surgery |
Jani, Ashesh |
Radiation Oncology |
Johnson, Theodore |
Internal Medicine |
Kang, Bum-Yong |
Genetics |
Kang, Mohleen |
Internal Medicine |
Kelly, Ursula |
Psychiatry |
Kene-Ewulu, Ijeoma |
Kohli, Priya |
Kumar, Gautam |
Internal Medicine |
Lamp, Kristen |
Lathrop, George |
Other |
Le, Anh |
Physiology |
Lynch, Mary |
Ophthalmology |
Maa, April |
Ophthalmology |
Manion, Aimee |
Marconi, Vincent |
Internal Medicine |
Massarweh, Nader |
Mavromatis, Kreton |
Internal Medicine |
McGregor, Keith |
Psychology |
McIntosh, Nichole |
Anesthesiology |
Mehta, Ashish |
Internal Medicine |
Merck, Samantha |
Other |
Merlin, Didier |
Other |
Moanna, Abeer |
Internal Medicine |
Moghanaki, Drew |
Radiation Oncology |
Monfared, hassan |
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation |
Muly, Emil |
Psychiatry |
Myers, Sarah |
Nursing |
Nanes, Mark |
Internal Medicine |
Nocera, Joe |
Rehabilitative Medicine |
Norrholm, Seth |
Psychiatry |
Novak, Thomas |
Physiology |
Odom, Richard |
Other |
Oliver, Nora |
Internal Medicine |
Olson, Darin |
Internal Medicine |
Pardue, Machelle |
Other |
Park, Jeanie |
Internal Medicine |
Patel, Jay |
Orthopedic Surgery |
Patel, Meghna |
Other |
Pathak, Neha |
Internal Medicine |
Payan, John |
Diagnostic Radiology |
Penna, Suzanne |
Psychology |
Perkins, Molly |
Geriatrics |
Phillips, Lawrence |
Internal Medicine |
Polensek, Sharon |
Neurology |
Pollack, Brian |
Dermatology |
Pollock, Jonathan |
Surgery (General) |
Potru, Sudheer |
Anesthesiology |
Prasad, Meena |
Internal Medicine |
Prichard, Ashley |
Psychology |
Raja, Shreya |
Internal Medicine |
Rather, Philip |
Microbiology |
Rauch, Sheila |
Psychology |
Ray, Susan |
Internal Medicine |
Ready, David |
Psychology |
Rhee, Mary |
Internal Medicine |
Ribeiro, Maria |
Internal Medicine |
Rodriguez, Amy |
Speech Pathology |
Rowe, Veronica |
Royal, III, Walter |
Neurology |
Salvo, Nichol |
Sanford, Jon |
Other |
Sangadala Ph.D, Dr. Sreedhara |
Biochemistry |
Sathian, Krishnankutty |
Neurology |
Satola, Sarah |
Microbiology |
Searles, Charles |
Internal Medicine |
Serra, Monica |
Dietetics |
Shafer, William |
Microbiology |
Shah, Amit |
Internal Medicine |
Shah, Anand |
Shim, Seong |
Psychiatry |
Skelton, Kelly |
Psychiatry |
Srinivasan, Shanthi |
Internal Medicine |
Sun, Yan |
Genetics |
Sweeney, Mary Ellen |
Internal Medicine |
Swerlick, Robert |
Dermatology |
Tangpricha, Vin |
Internal Medicine |
Tansey, Cassandra |
Other |
Taylor, William |
Internal Medicine |
Teklemariam, Mesfin |
Biology |
Tomolo, Anne |
Internal Medicine |
Tyor, William |
Neurology |
Udoji, Mercy |
Anesthesiology |
Vaughan, Elizabeth |
Internal Medicine |
Venkateshiah, Saiprakash |
Internal Medicine |
WANG, Kevin Ka-Wang |
Neurology |
Webster, Andrew |
Internal Medicine |
Weitzmann, Mervyn |
Other |
Wheeler, Rebecca |
Nursing |
Willett, Nick |
Bioengineering |
Williams, Michael |
Rehabilitative Medicine |
Wilson, Peter |
Internal Medicine |
Wingo, Aliza |
Psychiatry |
Wingo, Thomas |
Neurology |
Wolf, Steven |
Wongtrakool, Cherry |
Other |
Woodbury, Anna |
Anesthesiology |
Xia, Chunzhi |
Internal Medicine |
Yeligar, Samantha |
Other |
Yepes, Manuel |
Neurology |
Yeung, Howa |
Dermatology |
Yu, Shan |
Neurology |
Yun, Changhyon |
Physiology |
Zafari, Abarmard |
Internal Medicine |
Zola, Stuart |
Other |
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