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Conducting Research at the Atlanta VA
Like all institutions, the Atlanta VA Medical Center has policies and procedures regulating the conduct of research at its facility. AREF helps researchers navigate these sometimes confusing rules governing studies at federal institutions.

The Science Information Office (SIO) and the Human Studies Analyst act as resources for investigators, study coordinators, and laboratory personnel during the design and implementation of your projects. We encourage you to utilize these members of our team should you have any questions or need guidance.
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Research Submissions

Overview | VA Research & Development

Under the Medical Center Director and Chief of Staff, the R&D Committee is responsible for maintaining high standards throughout the facility’s research and development program. These standards include the scientific quality of R&D projects, the protection of human rights, laboratory safety, and welfare of animals used in research. The Committee advises the Medical Center Director on professional and administrative aspects of the R&D Program. All R&D activities within the VA Medical Center, whether funded or unfunded, are within its purview.

The R&D Committee consists of twenty-four voting members and three non-voting, ex officio members. Of these twenty-seven individuals, seven hold M.D. degrees; two are M.D., Ph.D.s; twelve hold Ph.D. degrees; one is a Ph.D., R.N.; and one is a Ph.D., Pharm.D. The voting members represent the specialties of Endocrinology, Cardiology, Pulmonary Care, and Infectious Diseases, Nursing, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Mental Health, Rehabilitation Medicine, Psychiatry, Psychology, Oncology, Geriatrics, Surgery, and Pharmacy.

The functions of the Research and Development Committee include the following:

  • Assuring the continuing high quality of the Atlanta VA Medical Center’s R&D program.
  • Planning and developing the broad objectives of the R&D program to support the patient care mission of the hospital.
  • Determining the extent to which the R&D program has met its objectives.
  • Critically evaluating the quality, design, desirability, and feasibility of each new R&D proposal, every continuing R&D project, applications for funding, manuscripts to be submitted for publication, or other activity reports to assure high scientific standards, protection of human subjects, adequate safety measures, and proper use of animals.
  • Evaluating and making recommendations for the distribution of R&D funds, space, human resources, equipment, supplies, use of animal facilities and other common resources.
  • Reviewing non-VA financial support for R&D conducted in the medical center or by the VA staff even when conducted outside the facility.
  • Reviewing and approving the R&D budgetary requests of personnel supported by R&D funds.
  • Recommending policies on the recruitment and development of personnel supported by R&D funds.
  • Advising the Medical Center Director regarding recommendations on candidates for the position of Associate Chief of Staff for R&D (ACOS/R&D).
  • Fulfilling additional functions as requested by the Medical Center Director.
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